MSME Minister Officiates at the North Western Province Capacity Building Workshop

Minister of Small and Medium Enterprise Development Honorable Elias Mubanga MP called for the strengthening of the capacities of the SMEs in North Western Province so that they are enabled to supply not only the local markets but also international markets such as Congo DR and Angola .

Speaking during the official opening of the North Western province Capacity Building workshop that is currently ongoing at the Royal Solwezi Hotel, Honorable Mubanga thanks CNC360, who are the organizers of the workshop for this initiative aimed at equipping SMEs with the tools required for them to contribute to economic growth.

The Minister also thanked the sponsors of the event that made it possible to be undertaken. These included Gatbro International Limited, Stanchart Bank, Zambia Credit Guarantee Scheme, Shoprite, PickNPay .

The Minster also revealed that the capacity building exercise would be a continuous program with the next training scheduled to take place in the Southern Province.

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