ZCGS CEO’s Message on Farmers Day

On this special occasion of Farmer’s Day, we celebrate your dedication, resilience, and your contributions to our nation’s growth and prosperity.

Agriculture remains the backbone of our economy, and your unwavering commitment ensures food security, economic stability, and the sustenance of livelihoods. We recognize the pivotal role you play and are committed to supporting your endeavors through innovative financial solutions and unwavering support.

This year has brought its unique challenges, from climate change to market fluctuations. Yet, your perseverance and adaptability have been nothing short of inspiring. As we celebrate today, we also renew our commitment to working alongside you, ensuring you have the resources, knowledge, and support necessary to thrive and urge you to continue with the vigour and resilience you have shown in the last season. Despite the adversity, I am confident in your strength. Together, we will navigate these times and pave the way for a more secure and prosperous future for Zambia’s agriculture sector.

Happy Farmer’s Day

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